What style of Yoga do you teach?

Mixed ability Vinyasa Flow Yoga and Yin Yoga. Vinyasa Flow is a sequence of asanas (postures) which flow from one to the other, co-ordinating breath with movement. Improves balance, posture, strength, stamina, flexibility as well as many other benefits. Yin Yoga is usually floor-based, Postures are held for a few minutes. It targets connective tissue and fascia which increases the circulation around the joints which as we get older is hugely beneficial. It also increases flexibility and although it can be challenging it quietens the mind allowing you to observe restrictions in your body and enter a meditative state creating an inner peace and calm.

What experience do you have as a yoga teacher?

I have qualified with The Yoga Academy 2-year Teacher Training with BWY Diploma level accreditation, Yoga Alliance Professionals and Yoga Alliance US 200-hour Certification. 3+ years teaching experience.

I have never done yoga before and I’m not very flexible. Is your class for me?

Yes , Yoga is for everyone however inflexible you feel you are. Yoga will build strength and stamina as well as improving flexibility and the benefits listed below.

Students are treated as individuals, you move at your own pace taking modifications and rest when you need to.

What are the benefits of yoga?

The benefits of a regular practice will make you wonder why you didn't start Yoga earlier in your life! Here are just a few:

Improves strength and stamina, flexibility, balance, calms the mind, improves respiration. Helps with depression, insomnia & stress, increases self-awareness  and concentration, helps regulate bodyweight.

Can I still do yoga if I’m pregnant?

Yes, unless you are new to yoga then wait until your 14th week and attend a pregnancy yoga class rather than joining a general class.

Is Yoga religious?

No, Yoga is not religious. There is a spiritual side to Yoga and after a while you may become open to the meditative qualities of Yoga and more subtle effects on the mind and emotions. 

Want to learn more about Yoga?

Practising Yoga will give you a chance to slow down and reconnect, taking your focus inwards and notice what is happening in your body and be with where you are today taking modifications and variations when you need to.

I teach a balance of mind and body with clear instruction and demonstration.

If you want to know more about Yoga, you can ask me anything and I will be happy to answer your questions.

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Rebecca's Yoga class is a weekly haven for my mind, body and spirit

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